Homemade skin pack

Hey guys, today I’m going to talk about homemade skin pack!
You can have a good and smooth skin with natural ingredients that are easy to find at home. It's not hard to make a homemade skin pack!

I will introduce three homemade skin packs

      1.  Banana face pack if you want whitening effect

Banana is good for whitening. Blend one banana and add some honey of yogurt. Mix all of these and apply this to face as a pack. Wash it after 10-15 minutes. If you do this regularly and continuously, you can gain brighten skin.

      2. Aloe vera gel for fairness skin

It has been proven that Aloe vera gel is great for fairness skin.
Cut an Aloe Vera leave and extract the gel from it. Now apply the gel to face as a pack. Keep this for 15-20 minutes and then wash away with water.

3. Milk and honey pack for brightening

Milk is good ingredient as it is easy to find at home and it works in great way to bring bright skin. Also honey is good for moisturising.

-Add one table spoon of milk with one table spoon of honey and then mix it
-leave it for 10-15 minutes and wash it.
Image was taken from: http://www.thefitindian.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Potato-Pulp-and-Lemon-Pack.jpg


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