Media and its health impact

Hey dear onlookers, 

What is the first thought that floats through your head when you hear the word "beauty"? For me, it's the idealistic curvy and toned women and the men who ooze masculinity. The Adonis-like figures you see on tv, on computers, on advertisements plastered around almost every store; incredible eye-candy (yes I agree, as shallow as that sounds) and incredibly enviable of. 

Image result for body types

Now, another question for you: Have you ever contemplated the health effects media has on individuals?

From the period of World War II, media has increasingly upheld the ideal of slim bodies for women and toned muscles for men, with this trend carrying on into our modern times. Statistically speaking in movies, television shows and commercials, female appearances (regardless of age) are the most commented on by female characters: 58% in movies, 28% television and 26% of advertisements predominantly focus on the female appearance. It is statistically less for males with: 24% in movies, 10% in television shows and 7% in commercials. In terms of health impact, the National Institute of Mental Health further estimates that disorders affect more than 8 million individuals in America alone, with 90% being women.

Although beauty is such a large aspect of our every day lives, it is important to realise that ideals are simply what they are and that everything you see on media is not entirely the truth. As the saying goes: “Love yourself before you love others”.
Image result for love yourself
Until next time,



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